Monday 25 February 2013

Merry monday #3!

Hola bloggerettos!

So as you may know from the title its that time again- MERRY MONDAY EVERYONE! Happy today? I hope so, but if not, keep reading for merry monday inspiration!

So todays quote is...... Drumrole please.............

"This above all; To thine self be true"
William Shakespeare

That in modern day language means:


You are beautiful inside and out! Show it. Walk with confidence. Talk with confidence. Embrace confidence.

There is nothing better than someone with self confidence. Not arrogance though. If you know you're good at something, tell the world. Shout it out (until your neighbours tell you to shut it)

So this was a short one hope you enjoyed and remember this week be CONFIDENT.

Love you lots and see you soon


Sunday 24 February 2013


Helllllllllllllllooooooooooooo bloggerettos!

So I thought I'd do a wee review  on two lipsticks I have been in love with! Recently I have been obsessed with pink lipsticks! Not any in particular until bam! I found two from Avon!! The two that I have been in love with are:

Pink prance (A light beige/pink/sparkely perfection) and

Kiss Me Pink (A bright bold pink/dark coral amazingness)

I know the two colours are very different but thats what attracted me to them! If any of you are wondering Avon is a brittish company for beauty and thingymabobs! I am in love with avon and spend far too much money but ahlass it would get wasted in anotherway I am sure!
Thats all for just now and as Tigger would say TTFN ta ta for now!

See you soon bloggerettos

Alloha bloggerettos!
So last week I lost my blogger review virginity, however, I deleted the post by accident so I am re-writing it, phuuuhhhhh!
So anyway is a small website full of nick-knacks and goodies! It sells hand made braclets to wine glasses!
Kitchen & Gourmet

How cute for mothers day!

I have actually never bought anything but I am definatley going to soon (Once I get a wee bit of cash) and it is definatley nice to the Purse! Or wallet!
So yes thats it guys, its not as thorough as the last one but yeah, if you check it out tell me! What are your fav internet shops?

Zoella has also done a review so heres her link, check her out ;)
See you soon guys, love

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Homework, cuppa's and Oor Wullie!

Hey blogerettos!

Today has been good. Got up with a better attitude - or atleast I felt like that. School was okay, got so much homework though - its unbelievable!!! Homework:- too much like hard work in my opinion but trust me, its worth it! Keep perservering!

Got my hair done tonight! WOO! Put my sidefringe and layers back in aswell as taking about two inches off my hair!!! Its really nice when you get your hair done as it makes you feel good about yourself! Have any of you had your hair done reccently???

There was a picture but I can't seem to find it (Well done Emma)

Then band tonight- its getting less enjoyable each week to be honest. Its about winning and not the music anymore. I don't want that.

Ah well today has been good!

I'm now sitting with a big mug of tea (OOR WULLIE MUG) and my english book - a christmas carol *sigh*
Oor wullie for anyone who doesn't know was a comic when I was younger i'll insert a picture here-ish

I did have a review on but because I am a reatard I deleted it by accident, so I'll repost it either tonight or tommorow!

Love you all,


My dog!!!!!

Woof woof blogerettos!
You may have guessed by the title what this blog post is going to be about... My dog!! (We are all excited because who doesn't like dogs?)
So onto my dog, his name is bear, he is 19 months old and is a st. Wieler (thats a mix between a St.Bernard and a Rotweiler- sounds scary but he is honestly just a big lump of fur!
He is a golden brown colour with dark brown eyes and facial features.
We only got bear about four months ago as he formally belonged to my older cousin who was not able to look after him anymore. This was good as it ment that we had known him since he was a pup and we got a dog!
I was always an animal person and had my cat ginger since I was around two years old, we had rescued her from an abusive family and did not know how old she was and our whole family was deveatated when she died on the 7th of august 2012. It has left a massive gap inside me, but bear has filled a big chunk of that hole. But don't think I have replaced her because I haven't!
Well thats all guys, goodnight and i'll see you soon!
Love you all
P.S sorry if this was too personal or boring, please comment, like, whatever!

Monday 18 February 2013

Merry Monday #2

We meet again blogerettos.... (Thats a new intro)

SO its time for MERRY MONDAY once again *overly excited cheer* Hasn't this week gone by so fast? Haha, well anyway this weeks merry message (thats a cute name for it) is...........

I picked this quote for a few reasons actually (Being all smarty-like today Emma?)
  1.  I loved the picture ~ that is such a sad reason, I know
  2. The past week I have been reviewing my life, not just in the shower which we all do ;) but seriously taking a step back and looking at my life. I'm not quite sure what triggered this whole ispirational thing but reccently in my life I have felt very depressed  and angered with myself for reasons which only those closest to me know (My mummy) This has really started to affect me and those closest to me, so I have decieded to snap my lazy rear into action and do something about it, and cheesy as it sounds, I'm about to jump back on the horse and get riding again - so to speak.
  3. And the final reason is to inspire you blogerettos out there! I know teenage life can be hard; laughter, lies and tears to be precise but honestly you are amazing and you need to realise your full potential!!!
Thats all from me bloggerettos, sorry its been such a long chatty one but ah well!
And guys don't ever keep your problems to yourself - there's always someone willing to hear your story....
Bye guys!

Monday 11 February 2013

Hello blogerettos, again!

So, I was asked to do a blog about that thing. Now please do not take this blog in an offensive way because it is in no way made to upsrt or affend anyone! This community of blogerettos is fun and love! NO hate!

Now I do not have one of these asks but many people I know have it and many of them have had problems with 'haters' And one of my biggest hates is bullying because it makes no sense to me. I mean how can you bully someone for not being perfect when no one is? Huh? answer me that. However I feel very little sympathy for these people as these things are made with annoymous settings so that people can post hate. Come on guys, lets be realistic, who hasen't said/posted something nasty about someone else?

So people make these accounts and get upset when someone says something nasty? If you are so easily offended don't make one! Its simple!

Sorry for the rant blogerettos but it was needed, kind of ;)!

See you soon

Merry Monday! :)

Hello blogerettos!

How has your merry monday been? Mine has been great! I have decided to try a different attitude with my life and sitting here at my computer I find it hard to explain. Its a more cheery attitude but I don't really want to say that as im not a negitive person and thats what it makes it sound like....

Anyway, this is my new idea - "Merry Mondays" and I got the idea from sprinkleofglitter! (Cheeky!) So the whole point of this is that we all have a happy MERRY attitude for mondays! I mean how can you not like mondays? They are a new start, where we can be a whole new person for the rest of our lives, OK, mabye not that drastic but you get the idea right?

So why not when you get up next monday instead of thinking...
think - im going to have a MERRY MONDAY!!!
See you soon Blogerettos,
Love from Emamama

Sunday 10 February 2013

Valentines day<3!

Hello bloggerettos!
So em, I was flicking through some tweets on my twitter @emmamiller21 and saw one that said 'oh no, valentines day is going to be so bad 'coz im single' and I wanted to take them and strangle them, aghhhh! I mean to me, and it may just be me but valentines day isn't about being single or in a relasionship its about love. And who says love is only for a boyfriend/girlfriend? No one. No one said that so why nowadays are we misjudging valentines day. Surely it should be giving praise and love to those closest to us? Anyway, this was just a quick blog based on my valentines day, I hope it gave you a different outlook or atleast made you think slightly differently. Show some LOVE this valentines, to EVERYONE. Enjoy your valentines day bloggerettos.
See you soon,
Love Emamama

New blogger!

So hello bloggerettos, im emma and I am a new blogger I guess. Fun times ahead I see! This is actually quite a scary idea for me as something you may not know about me is that I lack quite a lot of self confidence so doing this is kind of a late new years resoloution. So yeah, please like, follow read my blogs and i'll be doing daily ones, see you later,
Love from emamama. Peace out!